Please consider supporting our Ministry.

If you are interested in sponsoring an episode or a season please reach out to me at

Our mission is to make the 54-Day Rosary Novena available to those who seek God. My hopes and prayers are for people to fall in love with the Rosary, and through the intercession of our Blessed Virgin Mary, they fall in love with God.

We would love and appreciate your support to continue spreading this beautiful devotion to the Rosary.

Your ongoing support will:

Promote the Rosary worldwide.

Help loved ones return to the Catholic Church.

Deepen personal relationships to the Sacraments

Strengthen people's relationship with Jesus Christ.

Share our Catholic faith with future Generations.

Produce the Novena in multiple languages

Cover the cost of production and other details that keep the podcast accessible worldwide.

You may also donate by:

Venmo: @Novena54DaysofRoses

PayPal: ,and


Thank you so much for being part of our family and supporting 54 Days of Roses. May God bless you for praying for the intentions of our family. Thank you for supporting our ministry.

We look forward to producing more seasons to come. To Jesus through Mary!

With Love,

Maritza Mendez.

Host of 54 Days of Roses